Our Commitment

Our commitment to the career development of people with disabilities

We support the employees with disabilities to allow them to exercise their job in the best possible conditions. In France and in Germany, 100% of requests to adapt workstations and support disabled employees were fulfilled in 2020.


Mission Handicap

Since 2007 and the creation of the “Mission Handicap”, we are committed to this topic. We support the employees with disabilities who express needs, to allow them to exercise their job in the best possible conditions.

In France, a dedicated committee was set up in 2007, bringing together some 20 employees from all business lines. In Germany, a committee representing employees with disabilities is elected every four years. These two bodies carry out communication initiatives to change the way people see disability and to raise awareness of the issue among top management and all employees.

As of the beginning of 2021, ODDO BHF SCA is signatory of a Handicap Agreement, in favor of the employment of workers with disabilities. The main topics the Group commit to in this agreement are the following:

  • Foster the recruitment and integration of employees with disabilities into our teams
  • Create the necessary conditions for the development and success of employees with disabilities
  • Raise awareness of all employees and train managers on the topic of disability
  • Develop collaboration with establishments in the protected and adapted sector and the use of these structures for the purchase of goods or services